The best relationship goes
through tough times but they still bounce back. Sometimes the strain in
relationship may not be because of lost feelings but due to stress.
simple exercises or hitting the gym a few days a week may be the right
boost you need as it eases off the stress and helps you have a happier
and more fulfilling relationship.
Caleigh Rykiss of SheKnows lists 3 ways your relationships improves when you exercise:
- It's a mood booster: When we're feeling down, stressed or generally grumpy, time at home is often tense, testy and distant to say the least. Did you know moderate exercise improves our mood within just five minutes? Pretty impressive, huh? Physical activity boosts our happy chemicals, known as endorphins, reduces our stress hormones, known as cortisol, and gives us an all-around feeling of happiness, known as a "runner's high." And, its euphoric feeling isn't just a short-term fix; regular activity is shown to have a long-term influence on depression and various other mood disorders. Additionally, research indicates those who exercise more often have an easier time handling stressful and anxious situations. The science behind this is: Exercise elicits a similar response from the body as anxiety; think elevated heart rate and heavy perspiration. Regular workouts are seen as exposure treatment, teaching people to associate the physiological response with something positive (i.e. exercise) as opposed to something negative (i.e. fearful situations).
- It's a confidence booster: Life is full of good days and bad. Some days we wake up feeling like Oscar winners; strutting through life as if there's a red carpet beneath our feet and photographers begging for our photograph. Other days we feel more like Oscar the Grouch, dodging the pieces of garbage life hurls at us, and begging for a tin can to hide out in, forever. The difference between the "trophy days" and the "trash days" often comes down to confidence. Yes, confidence plays a huge role in the quality of our lives and thus our relationships. The easiest and most effective way to increase confidence is to... yup, you guessed it... hit the gym! Regular activity gives us a sense of accomplishment and strength (inside and out). It makes us feel competent, powerful and sexy! Not only do these confident qualities help us function at a higher level both at work and at home, they also make us horny! That's right, confidence is proven to be one of the most potent aphrodisiacs, leading to more T.L.C in B.E.D. Heck, we might even want to start keeping the lights on from time to time... can I get a "hallelujah?"
- It's a sexuality booster: Working out doesn't just increase our sexual desires mentally, it is also proven to have physiological effects on our nether regions, as well, causing us to physically feel hornier, more often. You heard me, experts insist that regular sweat sessions increase blood flow throughout the whole body, including the flow to our lady bits. This doesn't just mean more desire, it also equates to climaxing quicker and even more intense orgasms. So forget all those bedside bells and whistles, just hit the gym and don't be surprised if your post-workout stretches start taking place between the sheets.

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