

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Surprising things your man wants in bed

SexVille TuesdayAre you one of those women who complain that your man is straying and has refused to stick to you?
Or is he the type of man that goes after anything in skirt? You could just be the reason why he takes a bite at different pies because you have failed to maximise the sexual potentials you have to tie him down.
Yes, some people may say that men are polygamous in nature but research has shown that most sexually satisfied men hardly stray away. It is not rocket science dear. There are things men want in bed which most women find difficult or are so prude to try out.
Do you know what real men actually want in their women?
Find out here!
There is no man who does not like a woman who sometime takes the initiative when it comes to sex. In fact, this shows him that you want him at all times and won't be turned off if he wants to have sex.
Studies have shown that though it is in a man's DNA to be the caretaker, translating into the bedroom, a woman taking charge of sex some times could be a real turn on.
While most men love to be in charge, always being the initiator can get old. It's hot when a woman takes control and shows him that she wants him.
There is no man, repeat, no man, who loves a woman who treats sex as a favour or an act where you just go through the motions.
Your man wants you to show some enthusiasm when it comes to sex, by showing him you are really into him and really want to have sex with him.
There is nothing more seductive than an enthusiastic lover. A man wants feedback that a woman is into doing things with him.

New tricks
This goes more with women who have been married for a while or those in a long term relationship who tend to think they have had so much sex over time and there is nothing new again.
How wrong can you be. Men want a woman who is willing to try new things from time to time, even if they have been married for 10 years or have been dating for five. This does not mean you should go overboard and try everything you read in romantic novels or in movies but you have to be willing to try out some new things like positions and styles.
Sexual desire is like an appetite and men want to try different flavors, otherwise they get bored and the often used slogan: a man should not eat the same food everyday.
Men want someone who is willing to explore unique feelings and new sensations.
This is very important to men. They want their ego massaged and praising them for their effort at bringing you satisfaction would make them secure, comfortable and ready for another go.
Women erroneously think they are the only ones who should be praised but most men get tickled when you tell them they gave you the best and he would want to outdo himself the next time.
He wants a woman who finds something to compliment about him.
Every man wants to know they have that special something that turns a woman on.
Dirty talk
We have dwelt on the importance of talking dirty when you are with your man irrespective of how long you have been together. When we say dirty talk, we do not mean the gutter language or a commentary on every move he makes. But just let him know what you want him to do to you in the raunchiest of terms.
Dirty talk is just another fun way to arouse your man. It also turns him on psychologically because men are super attracted to women who are sexually uninhibited.
Sex drive
A guy with a strong libido wants a woman who can keep up!
It is understood that no one is always in the mood, but the more effort you make, the more you'll end up wanting it.
Your man will be endeared that you want to please him, as this will make him feel loved and important. He will also be impressed that you like to occasionally take one for the team and sometimes he'll be the one to make it all about you.
Men want someone who will leave the lights on and let him get a good look at her. Stop worrying about covering up those fleshy bumps. He loves you just the way you are, so why hide yourself from him?
Be the boss once in a while! A man wants a woman who will tell him what to do - at least in the bedroom, anyway. Most guys will be thankful for a little instruction, especially if it means they'll succeed at pleasuring you.
A woman who can guide her man with sounds or one word responses is preferred as it takes away the guess work.
Orgasmic potential
He looks forward to your orgasm but please, don't fake it. If your man makes you feel good do let him know, and do it expressively.
Contrary to what you may think, a man's biggest pleasure is knowing that he pleased you.

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