

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Gilrl claims pig raped & impregnated her

Angie Houston and Piggy Pete
Most things we hear these days move from the hilarious to the outright outrageous! That is the feeling one gets when a pregnant Texas, USA woman, Angie Houston, claims she is the victim of a vicious rape that got her pregnant, reports Dallas Morning News.
To cap it all, she said a pig raped her and took her virginity and in the process, put her in the family way.
Houston who is seven-months pregnant, said she was going back home after playing a round of Golf when the 400 pound pig named Pete, jumped on her and raped her.
She was quoted as saying:

“People think I’m crazy and need mental help because of my story. They ask how’d the pig get my panties off to mount me? I wasn’t wearing any panties is how!
This pig been hot for me for years. Constantly sniffing at my genitals. He’s tried to rape me a hundred times. This is just the first time he successfully got inside me."
Her parents say that they believe her and back up her story as their religion forbids sex before marriage.
Her father, Don, told the paper:
“Angie knows she can’t have sex until she’s married and she promises she hasn’t. Pete has always been a bad tempered little sod and very difficult to handle most of the time, especially when he is being sexual towards my daughter.
I am not surprised that this rape has happened, I am surprised it took so long if I’m honest.
After this incident, I sent Pete off to the slaughter house for sausages and bacon which is helping to feed Angela and her baby; after all, she’s eating for two now and needs a lot of extra meat.”

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