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1. Clean Up Your Act –
Regardless of how tidy a woman may or may not be, she’s delighted when a
man keeps his home, car, clothes and body squeaky clean and smelling
good. Special attention is required for the refrigerator, sink, and
especially the bathroom. She’ll notice. Keeping clean is a positive way
to live and it will help guys score a check plus on the first date and
beyond. It may also up his chances at her wanting to see if his sheets
are clean, also. Once into a relationship, guys need to set the bar
high. That means cleaning up around the house, taking out the garbage
and vacuuming etc. It’s got to be done anyway and she’ll notice.
2. Be Proactive – If a
woman has to keep drilling a guy about doing every little thing that’s
expected, he’ll remain in her doghouse. It’s critical for men to take
care of things on their own without having to be asked a million times.
No one wants to be a nag, but she’ll seem like one if he doesn’t think
ahead. Want to avoid “the talk”?
Anticipate a woman’s needs and address
them. Surprise her with flowers, reservations at a restaurant she’s
mentioned, cook her a tasty meal, order tickets for that play she wanted
to see, etc.
3. Paying Attention –
Yep, I’ve said it again, and I still mess up. Guys have to stop thinking
about themselves 24/7vand show more consideration for the one who keeps
them happy. When they don’t, things get tricky and guys hear about it
at the most inopportune times. I got an earful the other night right
after settling in for the second half of the Cowboys-Giants football
game. She made a lot of great points, but maybe she should have been
paying attention also. After all, she knows I’m a big Cowboys fan. But,
her points were on target, so I maintained eye contact throughout the
‘discussion’, actively listened and took her suggestions to heart.
4. Tell Her How You Feel –
When something’s wrong with a relationship guys often choose one of two
courses of action. They do something about it or they leave. I’m not
suggesting men are well adjusted in this area, but it’s usually how we
roll. We’re not very good at addressing relationship issues. We try to
fix things instead of discussing what’s wrong, the way women do. Men can
work wonders if they listen with an open mind and express how they feel
at the appropriate time. That’s not too much to ask.
5. 5!x – I’m not going
into details, but women reward men who are creative, romantic and aim to
please their partner. It’s that simple. There are lots more ways for
men to keep their relationships on course, but mostly it comes down to
mutual love and respect. Men and women want the same things. They just
have different ways of expressing themselves. But, that’s a good thing,
isn’t it? It would be a drag if everyone were the same.
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