

Saturday 9 May 2015

How To Plan A Romantic Weekend For Your Girlfriend


This has to be somewhere your girlfriend wants to go, whether it is a new adventure, or somewhere she has been before and would love to go back to. There are some really good holiday deals out there but don't take a risk in where you choose because it is a bargain, it won't have the same impact as somewhere she will really want to go.


This is really important. For the date you are planning, check there are no family/friend events coming up, no courses your girlfriend may be starting or anything connected with her work that she needs to attend. This could involve getting in touch with her boss to arrange her time off work so no problems arise in that area.


You are going to pay for it all! Wow how lovely! But, a word of warning here, if you live together and she has her heart set on a new kitchen or a new car, then perhaps you should think twice and over a romantic night out let her choose what she would like to do, but let her know that your intent was to spend a wonderful weekend with her. She will think you are marvelous and really appreciate all your efforts for the planning you have done.


If you live together and have children you will have to conspire with who will look after them while you are away.


Has your girlfriend got a passport? If not you will have to suggest it is a god investment for the future whilst not giving anything away! You will also need travel insurance for her. If you are going out of Europe then you may need visas or immunisations, but this would probably entail going for a week or more.


planning a romantic weekend for your girlfriend will probably give you a shock at how much 'stuff and things' she needs to do before she goes!! The list is endless of things your girlfriend will need and have to do before your weekend away! Clothes, swim wear, tanning, hairdressers, nails, accessories, maybe she needs a suitcase or a camera. Going on holiday can be a big project for a girl and you may need some help from someone who is close to her to help cover these things, like making appointments at the hairdressers etc. If your girlfriend has a pet don't forget to make arrangements for it to be looked after. More importantly, give you girlfriend enough notice for her to get herself prepared, at least a week. The night before will just not cut it!


If you are flying, a surprise bottle of champagne on the flight is a winner, or arrange for a bottle of wine/flowers/chocolates to be in your hotel room for when you arrive. Tickets to a show, concert or a gift of jewellery. You could choose this opportunity for getting engaged or proposing. Some hotels have rooms with king size beds or fireplaces (perfect for putting scented candles on) if you will be spending a lot of time in your room. Check out in advance a good restaurant and book a table. Also investigate the area in advance for any beautiful walks or places of interest to visit. Even if you don't do any of these things you can tell her just how much she means to you and how much you love her.
Hopefully this article on 'how to plan a romantic weekend' will have helped you have survive the secret preparations and everything will run smoothly and you will both have a fantastic weekend that your girlfriend will never forget.


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